The Kellis IP Weekly: Volume 2025, Issue 1.5
ABIFINA Publishes Interview with GIPI President Andrea Macera: Ms. Macera is also the Secretary of Competitiveness and Regulatory Policy at MDIC. She spoke with ABIFINA about Brazil's National IP Strategy and GIPI's efforts vis-à-vis that policy. Here are some notable quotes from the interview:
On the Next Biannual Action Plan: "For the next [National IP Strategy] Action Plan, which will be drawn up in the first half of 2025 and will come into force in the second half of the year, the actions are expected to be even more integrated, gain scale and be linked to projects and programs of the New Industry Brazil and the National Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation (ENCTI). It is also expected to increase the scope of deliveries aimed at raising awareness, raising awareness and effectively using the potential that exists from industrial property and green innovation as tools for socioeconomic development."
On Public Awareness of IP in Brazil: "Perhaps the topic of intellectual property is still in the maturation phase in Brazil. For the sectors directly impacted by IP rights, its importance seems obvious, but it is not so simple and clear for the general public. Therefore, the topic ends up not having much prominence when compared to other more palatable topics in society's daily life, such as health, education and security. . . . Although it is not much commented on, those who work in the area and have a closer relationship with the government already feel some difference in the effects of having [the National IP Strategy], due to the dissemination of the topic and the greater prominence in the Legislative and Judiciary branches, in addition to the Executive. It is worth noting that a public IP policy cannot be considered in isolation, since IP is not an end in itself, but a valuable and strategic instrument for achieving a virtuous circle of innovation in the country."
On GIPI's Role: "Currently, GIPI seeks to contribute to the missions of the New Industry Brazil through the implementation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy (ENPI). ENPI includes actions related to the business environment, such as reducing the time for examining patent applications and conducting studies that use technological information available in patent documents and analyze technological trends to support the design of public policies."
On the Need for Resources to Implement the National IP Strategy: "[T]o reach the level of strategic IP use of countries that are more advanced in terms of technological development and innovation . . . may require even more time and more engagement on the subject by public and private stakeholders, especially those that make up the innovation ecosystem. . . . Another important factor is the prioritization of the IP agenda by the highest authorities, accompanied by the allocation of resources for ENPI actions. To date, ENPI has not had specific resources allocated and depends on the budget of each ministry involved, international partnerships or voluntary actions by Brazilian civil society. . . . It is important to note, however, the challenge of planning and maintaining the implementation of ENPI in periods of administrative management transition and budgetary restrictions."
On Successes Achieved thus Far: "In the four years since the ENPI was implemented, we have made significant progress in terms of disseminating the topic and fostering dialogue between government stakeholders involved in intellectual property. As mentioned in the previous questions, we are maturing and the ENPI is part of and accelerates this process. However, IP does not come alone. To have a greater impact on the generation and use of intellectual property in Brazil, we also need more innovation, even more robust innovation policies and programs, and greater participation and investment by Brazilian industries in the national innovation ecosystem."
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In Brief:
INPI will open a Manaus regional office in a bid to boost innovation in the region.
Together with EUIPO's IP Key Latin America, INPI will host three separate events from Feb. 4-6 regarding IP cooperation between Europe and Latin America, IP for small- and medium-sized companies, and IP for young designers and innovative women, respectively.
Peru's INDECOPI rejected Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC's opposition to Saulik Perú's registration of a rectangular red, white, and blue trademark for clothing.
EUIPO partnered with Brazilian and Portuguese influencers on a campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of counterfeit cosmetics.
The European Commission published an infographic highlighting key IP-related developments in Latin America in 2024.
INPI Argentina President Carlos María Gallo visited an industrial park and the Union of Commerce, Industry, and Production to discuss the role of IP in promoting innovation and competitiveness.
February 20-21, 2025: AIPPI Midterm Meeting. Zagreb, Croatia. (English).
March 17-19, 2025: XXIV ASPI Intellectual Property Congress. Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Portuguese).
March 20-23, 2025: XX ABAPISUL Regional Meeting. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. (Portuguese).
^May 17-21, 2025: INTA 2025 Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, USA. (English).
June 8-10, 2025: ASIPI El Salvador Seminar. El Salvador. (Spanish).
August 17-19, 2025: ABPI Annual Congress. São Paulo, Brazil. (Portuguese).
September 13-16, 2025: 2025 AIPPI World Congress. Yokohama, Japan. (English).
^October 30-November 1, 2025: AIPLA Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C. (English).
November 30-December 3, 2025: XXIII ASIPI Congress - Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Spanish).
* Indicates events at which I will be speaking.
^ Indicates events I will be attending.
Kellis IP is available to provide consulting services to help you understand and respond to any of the developments highlighted in this newsletter, or any other IP issues in Brazil and the surrounding region.