Knowledge is power.
The Kellis IP Weekly
Since living in Brazil from 2021-2024 as the USPTO’s Intellectual Property Attaché for Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Guyana, and Suriname, Mr. Kellis has published the Kellis IP Weekly to help interested parties stay informed regarding intellectual property developments in Brazil and the surrounding region. If you have questions or concerns about any of the developments described in the Kellis IP Weekly and how those developments might impact your business, please contact Kellis IP.
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The Kellis IP Weekly: Issue 11.1
G20 Health Ministers Agree on Creation of Vaccine Coalition: The coalition, to be headquartered in Brazil for the first 2 years before rotating to member countries, will rely on voluntary cooperation to improve access to vaccines, medicines, and diagnostics for orphan diseases and vulnerable populations. A key purpose of the coalition is to . . .
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The Kellis IP Weekly: Issue 8.5
INPI Gives Some Patent Owners 60 Days to Provide Information about Access to Genetic Resources: INPI’s August 27 Industrial Property Gazette contains a public notice explaining that in some cases, INPI has issued patents to applicants who affirmed that the subject invention utilized access to genetic resources, but never provided the corresponding SisGen registration number as required . . .
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