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The Kellis IP Weekly
Since living in Brazil from 2021-2024 as the USPTO’s Intellectual Property Attaché for Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Guyana, and Suriname, Mr. Kellis has published the Kellis IP Weekly to help interested parties stay informed regarding intellectual property developments in Brazil and the surrounding region. If you have questions or concerns about any of the developments described in the Kellis IP Weekly and how those developments might impact your business, please contact Kellis IP.
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The Kellis IP Weekly: Issue 11.3
Modified Bill on AI Inventorship Moves Forward: As originally introduced, PL 303/2024 would have amended Brazil’s IP law to allow the patenting of inventions created solely by AI. Now, the rapporteur of the Chamber of Deputies’ Science, Technology, and Innovation Committee has recommended approval of a modified version of the bill. Deputy Leonardo Gadelha’s (PODE-PB) substitute language would require patent applicants to specify, at the time of filing, the level of assistance provided by AI in the development of the invention: no assistance, partial assistance, predominant assistance, or fully autonomous assistance. The term of protection afforded any resulting patent would vary . . .
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The Kellis IP Weekly: Issue 10.4
Courts Prevent Retroactive Application of New Patent Appeal Guidelines: Decisions from the 9th, 12th, and 25th Federal Courts of Rio de Janeiro have all concluded that INPI’s new patent appeal guidelines, which went into force on April 2, cannot be applied retroactively. In the 9th Federal Court decision . . .
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