The Kellis IP Weekly: Issue 9.1



INPI Publishes Revised Guidelines for Patent Application Content and Examination Thereof:  Portaria/INPI/DIRPA N. 14, dated August 29, 2024, contains INPI’s latest (and very detailed) requirements for patent applications (including divisional applications and utility models), while Portaria/INPI/DIRPA N. 16, dated September 2, 2024, sets forth the latest guidelines for examination of the content of filed patent applications.  The new requirements/guidelines take effect thirty days from the September 3, 2024 publication thereof in INPI’s Official Gazette.  See (Portuguese).  #IPoffice #patents #patentprocedure


Shein Named in Lawsuit over Copies of Animale Brand Clothing:  Grupo Soma, owner of the Animale brand, filed the suit after receiving a Shein document sent to Animale suppliers with pictures of Animale brand clothing that Shein allegedly intended to reproduce and sell—at significantly reduced prices—on its e-commerce site.  According to Grupo Soma, Shein acknowledged the document but claimed it was missent to Animale’s suppliers, a claim the employee who sent the documents denies.  Soma is seeking an injunction against further business between Shein and Animale’s suppliers as well as against any use of the Animale brand on Shein’s platform, in addition to compensation for moral and material damages.  See (Portuguese).  #trademarks #IPlitigation #IPinfringement


Dubbing Industry Speaks at Chamber Hearing on AI Bill:  Representatives of the dubbing industry advocated for the passage of PL 1376/22, which would require works made available commercially in Brazil to be dubbed by companies and professionals based in Brazil, so as to protect the industry against being extinguished by AI.  Speakers at the hearing asserted that allowing the use of AI for dubbing would implicate questions of copyright, Brazilian culture, and national sovereignty, and would “be a new process of colonization.”  See (Portuguese).  #copyright #AI #audiovisualworks

DJ Marlboro Accuses Xamã of Copyright Infringement:  The allegations, set forth in a complaint filed with the Business Court of the Rio de Janeiro Court of Justice, include that DJ Marlboro owns all of the rights to the song “Atoladinha”; that Xamã used, without authorization, a sample of “Atoladinha” in his own work “Sagitário”; and that DJ Marlboro attempted multiple times to contact Xamã to discuss the issue, but was always ignored.  In response, Xamã alleges that the version of Sagitário featuring the Atoladinha sample was removed from the air prior to the filing of the lawsuit, and that the use of the sample constitutes a parody such that authorization by DJ Marlborowas unnecessary.  See (Portuguese).  #copyright #IPinfringement #IPlitigation

Creative Sector Sends Recommendations to Senate on AI Bill:  A letter signed by entities representing the creative sector and delivered to Senator Eduardo Gomes, rapporteur of AI bill PL 2338/23 in the Senate, recommends various provisions designed to protect the rights of creators over their creations.  Explaining the justification for the letter, Pro-Música Brazil President Paulo Rosa stated that “well-funded global giants, supported by supranational venture capital organizations and dominant platforms,” are steamrolling the rights of creators in Brazil, such that the cultural sector requires regulatory protections enshrined in law to “guarantee the full exercise of its rights.”  See (Portuguese).  #AI #copyright #culture #creativeindustry

STJ to Decide Whether Contracts Between Labels and Producers Can Be Terminated:  Famous Brazilian singer Roberto Carlos, together with the estate of Erasmo Carlos, sought a judicial order terminating their contracts with Universal Music, which were signed several decades ago.  The Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro ruled in favor of Universal Music, concluding that the contracts cover contemporary commercialization technologies, including streaming.  In their appeal to the Supreme Court of Justice, the plaintiffs argue that the exploitation of their works in digital formats without prior and specific authorization violates the Civil Code of 1916 and the Copyright Laws of 1973 and 1998.  The case docket states that the appeal was granted-in-part on September 3, but specific details as to what was granted and what was denied were unavailable at the time of publication.  See (Portuguese).  #copyright #copyrightreform #streaming

The ruling in this case could have significant reverberations throughout the music and audiovisual industries.  In 2023, Brazil’s National Congress hotly debated two draft bills—the “Fake News Bill,” PL 2630/2020, and a copyright reform bill, PL 2370/2019—that, in at least some iterations, would have created and retroactively applied an additional remuneration right for performers and others creatively involved in the production of music and audiovisual works, requiring that holders of that right be compensated for each communication of their respective works via streaming platforms, notwithstanding existing contracts and previous transfers of rights.  See (Portuguese).  While neither of those bills has yet been passed into law due to strong opposition from negatively affected parties, the Brazilian government continues to view the music and audiovisual industries generally, and streaming platforms specifically, as a potentially lucrative source of revenue, both for local artists and for the national coffers.  See (Portuguese); (Portuguese); (Portuguese).  A decision by the Supreme Court of Justice, Brazil’s highest non-constitutional court, that pre-streaming-era contracts between artists and music labels do not extend to streaming, such that music labels are forced to negotiate new contracts for streaming rights, would fit well into the Lula Administration’s vision for copyright in Brazil.


INPI Announces Anti-Counterfeiting Directory for GIs:  INPI’s National Directory for Combatting Counterfeiting, which previously contained information pertinent only to trademarks, has been expanded to include GI-related information.  GI owners may now include representative contact information, pictures of real and fake products, and information about labels, bottling, routes, licensees, and other information that might be useful to authorities in identifying and preventing the commercialization of counterfeits of GI-protected products.  See (Portuguese).  #GIs #counterfeits #IPenforcement

This timely update to the national anti-counterfeiting directory follows less than two months after INPI announced the grant of a Geographical Indication (in the form of a Denomination of Origin) for Scotch, which became the 124th GI registered in Brazil, the 10th foreign GI registered in Brazil, and the first foreign GI registered in Brazil since 2019.  See (Portuguese).  Brazilian authorities see great potential for geographical indications to positively impact the Brazilian economy by increasing the value of protected products and generating jobs and income.  See (Portuguese).  #GIs


INPI Continues to Face IT Challenges Affecting Industrial Design Registrations:  Per an announcement in INPI’s Official Gazette, the agency is working to correct several problems with IT systems used in the industrial design registration process.  More specifically, some documents regarding industrial designs are not available via the agency’s Buscaweb system, a problem expected to be corrected by the end of the year; issuance of registration certificates for industrial designs is currently paused while a corresponding system is updated, a problem expected to corrected by the end of the month; and for Hague Agreement industrial design registration applications, the Buscaweb system shows data that is inconsistent with information published in the International Bulletin, a problem expected to be corrected by the end of the month.  See (Portuguese).  #industrialdesigns #IPoffice #IT

INPI Onboards 120 New Employees:  On August 30, INPI held a long-awaited induction ceremony for the 120 new employees identified in a public competition held earlier this year.  The new hires will undergo two weeks of general training focused on their new positions as public servants and the role of INPI, after which they will continue with job-specific training in their assigned departments.  See (Portuguese).  #IPoffice #HR

Preliminary Injunction Overturned Due to Lack of Industrial Design Registration:  Plaintiffs Pacific Market International LLC and PMI South America Consumer Goods Ltda successfully obtained a preliminary injunction against Porto Brasil Comércio Internacional Ltda., enjoining the latter from selling imported products with an appearance similar to Stanley cups.  However, Porto Brasil appealed the decision, arguing that the plaintiffs presented no industrial design registration protecting the design in question, and that a technical expert’s evaluation was necessary to evaluate the plaintiff’s claims of trade dress infringement.  Judge Luiz Roldão de Freitas Gomes Filho of the 9th Private Law Chamber of the Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro agreed, revoking the preliminary injunction.  See (Portuguese).  #industrial designs #IPlitigation #preliminaryinjunctions

This case serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking intellectual property protection in Brazil.  As one of the world’s largest markets and strongest economies, companies seeking to expand sales often turn to Brazil—but in too many cases as an afterthought, after deadlines for securing intellectual property protection have passed.

Also, note that Brazil does not have formal trade dress protection.  Instead, trade dress infringement can be argued in the context of a claim of unfair competition.

Non-IP Topics of Interest

Brazil Could See 3% GDP Growth in 2024 . . .:  Second quarter GDP growth in Brazil blew past expectations, coming in at 1.4% instead of an expected 0.9% compared to the preceding quarter.  Although the agricultural sector dropped 2.3%, the industry, services, investments, household consumption, and government consumption sectors each registered an increase, with investments up the most at 2.1%.  Overall GDP growth for the first half of the year, compared to the first half of 2023, was 2.9%.  Although a slowdown is expected in the second half of 2024, growth is essentially guaranteed to be at least 2.5%, and could reach 3%.  See (Portuguese); (Portuguese).  #GDP

. . . But Inflation Is Rising Too:  According to Banco Master chief economist Paulo Gala, Brazil’s unexpectedly high GDP growth significantly increases the chance of Brazil surpassing its 4.5% inflation target as growing household consumption drives prices higher.  Mr. Gala expects the Central Bank to raise interest rates in September, and predicts a series of small increases to reach 12%.  See (Portuguese).  #inflation

Differing Opinions on Suspension of X:  Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered the suspension of social media platform X on Friday, August 30, after the company declined to comply with court-ordered account blocking, pay fines, and appoint a legal representative of the company in Brazil.  The unilateral decision was subsequently upheld by a panel of Supreme Court justices, who cited national sovereignty, the rule of law, and concern that X appears to consider itself immune from jurisdiction in expressing their support for Minister Moraes’ decision.  Other Brazilian institutions have also weighed in against X, including the National Congress’s Social Communication Council,  Civil House Minister Rui Costa, and President Lula himself.  See (English); (Portuguese); (Portuguese); (Portuguese); (Portuguese).  But despite many articles suggesting otherwise, support for the decision has been far from unanimous.  For example, Minister Moraes chose to bring his decision before a smaller panel of the STF for review to avoid public disagreement by STF ministers (justices) opposed to the decision.  See (Portuguese).  The Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) has asked the STF to rescind Minister Moraes’ decision to impose a R$50,000 fine on anyone who accesses X using a VPN, arguing the decision violates due process and principles of adversarial proceedings and defense.  See (Portuguese).  Opponents of the decision in Congress plan to obstruct Congressional proceedings until the decision is overturned.  See (Portuguese).  And a number of legislators continue to post on X, notwithstanding the STF’s decision.  See (Portuguese).  For now, a majority of Brazilans appear to support the blockage of X—but whether that will continue to be the case remains to be seen.

The STF decision to block access to X in Brazil should not have any direct impact on intellectual property rights in Brazil, whether now or in the future.  Indirectly, however, the decision could negatively affect Brazil’s aspirations to attract foreign investment, which could in turn limit economic growth and the attractiveness of the Brazilian market, which in turn could prevent Brazilian IP assets from reaching their full potential value.  From an IP standpoint, the decision regarding X is perhaps more troubling for what it reveals about the Brazilian legal system.  An insightful opinion piece in Brazilian newspaper Estadão, written by Alexandre Schwartsman, a former director of Brazil’s Central Bank, notes that “[n]o one is going to stop investing in Brazil because of X,” but expresses concern about an overall decline in Brazil’s business environment, driven by arbitrariness in institutional decision-making—as exemplified by the phrases “in Brazil, even the past is uncertain” and “laws are mere suggestions in Brazil.”  See (Portuguese).  Both of these phrases apply to IP-specific developments in Brazil, such as the retroactive application to health-sector patents of the Supreme Court’s 2021 decision invalidating the 10-year minimum patent guarantee, see (English), and the Brazilian government’s continued refusal to allow INPI to use its fee collections to pay for operations, see (Portuguese).  As long as these phrases continue to be proven accurate, legal uncertainty will dampen enthusiasm for doing business—and protecting IP—in Brazil.


INPI Sets 60-Day Period to File Express Statement to Avoid Abandonment of Patent Applications:  Resolution 364/2024, published on August 21, 2024, requires the owner of all patent applications currently pending that invoke priority under the Paris Convention to file a statement with INPI indicating whether or not the priority application has been granted in the country of origin.  Applicants who do not provide such a statement within 60 days of the date of the Resolution’s publication date will be understood to have no further interest in pursuing their application, which will thereafter be treated as abandoned.  See (Spanish). #patents #IPoffice #patentprocedure

The explanatory note included in Resolution 364/2024 references Resolutions P-179 of 2008 and P-187 of 2014 (which also required patent applicants to notify INPI as to the status of priority applications on penalty of abandonment of the Argentine application), and notes that the issuance of Resolution 364 is based on the success of those resolutions.  The stated goal of the most recent resolution is to expedite the processing of “patent applications in which there is a real interest on the part of their owners.”

Executive Decree Adjusts Definition of Public Performance:  Decree 765/2024, dated August 27, 2024, contains two articles.  Article 1 modifies Article 33 of Decree No. 41,223/34 to state that a “public performance or execution is understood to be that which is carried out—whatever its purposes—in a space of public access, free and directed to a plurality of persons,” and that “[t]here is no public representation or performance when it takes place in a private setting, whether permanent or temporary.”  Article 1 also clarifies that public performances are those carried out by performers or singers, as well as those carried out by mechanical, electronic or digital means, including the Internet.  Article 2 modifies Article 35 of Decree No. 41,223/34 to state that musical works, cinematographic works, and phonograms may not be publicly performed without the express authorization of the owners of the corresponding rights or the owners’ representative, and further establishes that rights holders “have the right to receive equitable remuneration from any person who occasionally or permanently obtains a direct or indirect economic benefit from the public use of a work and, in general, anyone who performs a public performance by any direct or indirect means.”  The required remuneration is deemed to have been made when the public performance is properly licensed “by the rights holders, their successors in title, representatives, collective management societies or a platform authorized by them to offer licenses for that purpose,” and no remuneration is required for “occasional uses of an educational nature or patriotic commemorations in official educational establishments or those authorized by the State.”  See (Spanish).  #copyright #audiovisualworks #music #publicperformance #equitableremuneration

What changed?  Article 33 of Decree 41,223 of 1934 defined a public performance or representation to be “one that takes place in any place other than a private home and, even within one, when the performance or representation is projected or broadcast abroad.”  The new definition set forth in Decree 765/2024 therefore narrows the definition of public performance, such that at least in theory the reproduction of works in hotel rooms, Airbnbs, and the like—in addition to the reproduction of works at invitation-only events such as parties and celebrations, regardless of the number of participants or whether the event is held in a hotel ballroom, convention center, or other such location—will no longer be considered a public performance.  Article 35 of Decree 41,223 prohibited the transmission of phonographic records “by radio and telephone companies without the express authorization of their authors or rights holders.”  Decree 765, then, broadens the scope of this article to include musical works and cinematographic works while also adding the equitable remuneration right and specifying that the right to equitable remuneration is satisfied when an establishment obtains a public performance license granted by the rights holder, the collective management society, or any of the other listed entities. 

Amcham Argentina Hosts Health Forum:  The September 3 event included a panel on “Intellectual Property in Argentina: a Gateway to the World,” at which Gonzalo Rovira of Bayer, Eduardo Roberto Fernández of the Argentine School of Inventors, and Molly Hollowell of the U.S. Embassy in Argentina discussed topics such as the Patent Cooperation Treaty, OECD accession, patentability criteria, and regulatory data protection.  See (Spanish). #IPandHealth #PCT #patentabilitycriteria #RDP


Chamber of Deputies Approves Enhanced Trade Deal with EU:  The Advanced Framework Agreement (AMA, in Spanish), signed by Chile and the EU in December 2023, has now received approval from one house of Congress, and awaits approval in the Senate.  The deal, which includes chapters on, for example, Gender and Trade, Small and Medium Enterprises, Sustainable Food Systems, Digital Trade, and Energy and Raw Materials, also expands protection of geographical indications, with 216 EU GIs to be protected in Chile, and an unspecified number of Chilean agricultural product GIs to be protected in the EU.  See (Spanish); (English); (English). #GIs


Audiovisual Industry in Focus in Paraguay:  With an eye toward ensuring needed financial support for national audiovisual productions as well as adequate intellectual property protection for such productions, DINAPI and the Paraguayan National Audiovisual Institute (INAP, in Spanish) have signed a collaboration agreement.  See (Spanish).  DINAPI also signed an agreement with the Comprehensive Acting Workshop, under which the two entities will partner to promote education and knowledge of IP among actors, scriptwriters, producers, and directors of audiovisual works.  See (Spanish).  #copyright #audiovisualworks #IPeducation

DINAPI Representative Highlights Role of IP in Creative Industry at Expo Yguazú 2024:  Gonzalo Gómez Forzley, interim general director of Copyright and Related Rights at DINAPI, spoke to the essential nature of IP in fostering and protecting creativity at the conference, which was attended by artists and entrepreneurs.  See (Spanish).  #copyright #creativeindustry #IPeducation

DINAPI, Interpol, IPKey Latin America Partner for Operation Crete II:  The regional enforcement operation involved police officers, prosecutors, customs agents, IP office officials with enforcement capabilities, and private sector representatives, and resulted in the seizure of counterfeit merchandise.  See (Spanish).  #IPenforcement #counterfeits


Kellis IP is available to assist in drafting or reviewing written comments responsive to public consultations.

USTR - Request for Comments on Significant Foreign Trade Barriers for the 2025 National Trade Estimate Report:  USTR prepares the NTE Report annually, addressing significant foreign barriers to U.S. exports of goods and services, including intellectual property.  IP is one of 13 specified categories in which USTR seeks comments, and within South America Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay are all identified as countries of interest for comments.  Written comments due October 17, 2024.  See (English).  #IPpolicy #tradebarriers #publicconsultations

2024 Request for Comments on Review of Notorious Markets for Counterfeiting and Piracy :  The United States Trade Representative has published a request for comments identifying online and physical markets to be considered for inclusion in the 2024 Review of Notorious Markets for Counterfeiting and Piracy (Notorious Markets List).  The 2024 list’s “issue focus” will be online pharmacies and counterfeit medicine.  Written comments due October 2, 2024; rebuttal comments due October 16, 2024.  See (English).  #IPenforcement #publicconsultations #counterfeits #piracy

USPTO – Experimental Use Exception Request for Comments:  Published June 28, 2024; closes September 26, 2024.  See (English).  #patents #publiconsultations


September 11-13, 2024: XVI Academic Meeting of IP, Innovation, and Development (ENAPID). Online. (Portuguese).

September 13, 2024: The Importance of Judicial Action for the Standard Essential Patent System. Online. (Portuguese).

September 22-24, 2024: Intellectual Property Owners Association 2024 Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois. (English).

*October 1-2, 2024: IIPLA USA 2024. Palo Alto, California. (English).

October 24-26, 2024: AIPLA 2024 Annual Meeting. National Harbor, Maryland. (English).

*November 29, 2024: VIII Meeting on Development of Agroindustrial Processes. Online. Sponsored by the University of Uberaba (Uniube).

*January 22-24, 2025: World Intellectual Property Forum. Dubai. (English).

March 20-23, 2025: XX ABAPISUL Regional Meeting. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. (Portuguese).

* Indicates events at which I will be speaking.


Kellis IP is available to provide consulting services to help you understand and respond to any of the developments highlighted in this newsletter, or any other IP issues in Brazil and the surrounding region.


The Kellis IP Weekly: Issue 9.2


The Kellis IP Weekly: Issue 8.5