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The Kellis IP Weekly
Since living in Brazil from 2021-2024 as the USPTO’s Intellectual Property Attaché for Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Guyana, and Suriname, Mr. Kellis has published the Kellis IP Weekly to help interested parties stay informed regarding intellectual property developments in Brazil and the surrounding region. If you have questions or concerns about any of the developments described in the Kellis IP Weekly and how those developments might impact your business, please contact Kellis IP.
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The Kellis IP Weekly: Issue 11.2
Court Upholds Assignments Executed in the Pre-Streaming Era: Famous musicians Erasmo Carlos (now deceased) and Roberto Carlos assigned their copyrights in 72 musical works to Editora Fermata do Brasil, through the execution of 47 contracts dating as far back as the 1960’s. Unhappy with the minimal royalties they were receiving for the reproduction of the works in question via streaming services, however, the pair challenged the nature of those contracts, arguing that . . .
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The Kellis IP Weekly: Issue 10.4
Courts Prevent Retroactive Application of New Patent Appeal Guidelines: Decisions from the 9th, 12th, and 25th Federal Courts of Rio de Janeiro have all concluded that INPI’s new patent appeal guidelines, which went into force on April 2, cannot be applied retroactively. In the 9th Federal Court decision . . .
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The Kellis IP Weekly: Issue 10.1
Brazil Ranks 50th in Global Innovation Index: WIPO’s 2024 Global Innovation Index lists Brazil one spot below its ranking last year, but the country still holds the top spot within Latin America and the Caribbean. Five years ago, Brazil was ranked at 66th, making it one of the top climbers since 2019. The country also . . .
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The Kellis IP Weekly: Issue 9.3
ANATEL Partners with Community Hackathon Brazil for Contest to Block Illegal TV Boxes: While rightsholders wait for ANCINE to begin fulfilling its legal anti-piracy mandate, ANATEL continues to press ahead, most recently by partnering with Community Hackathon Brazil to hold a hackathon contest focused on identifying novel methods of blocking illegal IPTV boxes. The top three finishers at the Sept. 28-29 contest will receive . . .
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The Kellis IP Weekly: Issue 9.2
INPI Publishes Latest Performance Results: INPI has updated its online reporting system with the latest data, from August 2024. According to that system, the average patent pendency is . . .
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The Kellis IP Weekly: Issue 9.1
INPI Announces Anti-Counterfeiting Directory for GIs: INPI’s National Directory for Combatting Counterfeiting, which previously contained information pertinent only to trademarks, has been expanded to include GI-related information. GI owners may now include . . .
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The Kellis IP Weekly: Issue 8.1
Institute of Brazilian Attorneys Suggests Changes to AI Bill: A report prepared by the IAB’s Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Commission and subsequently approved by the IAB plenary recommends that Article 61 of PL 2338/23, which creates a copyright exception for text and data mining used to train AI systems . . .
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The Kellis IP Weekly: Issue 7.4
Survey Discovers Age Gap in Beliefs about Piracy: A survey commissioned by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) found that 80% of Brazilians of age 45 years and up believe that piracy is always wrong, but only 53% of Brazilians age 16 to 24 . . .
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The Kellis IP Weekly: Issue 7.3
Brazil Publishes Public Policy for the Conservation and Use of Genetic Resources: The policy, published on July 4, 2024, is the result of efforts that began in 2019 by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA) and ultimately also included the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA) and the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Family Farming (MDA). Among the policy’s guiding principles are . . .
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